Sewer Rat | Microfiction Friday
A 100-word fantasy microfiction story about a jewel thief and a prison break.
Welcome back to Microfiction Friday, the section of my newsletter dedicated to tiny stories with BIG impact!
Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to post today, so I threw together this fun little piece last night right before bed. It’s inspired by the theme of “It’s brighter on the other side,” even if the tale itself is a bit bleak. Try not to gag on some of the imagery here.
Anyway, here’s the story: “Sewer Rat.”
Sewer Rat
By J. Louis
Something squishy seeped its way into Lonnie's boot, and he gagged. Foot by foot, he trudged through the sewer, knee-deep in sludge, shit, and grime.
He leaned against the cold stone of the passage wall and choked back the tears.
Breaking out of prison only to die in a sewer. No jewels were worth this.
Something sweet filled his nostrils, and he took a deep breath. A light breeze stroked his cheek, teasing him further down the tunnel. Through a loose grate, he caught a glimpse of the night sky.
And the stars glistened brighter than any diamond ever could.
From the Prompt Vault
Next, it’s your turn to get creative!
Write a story inspired by: squishy.
Squishy is so much more than just an adjective. It’s a tactile experience, and it can be used to describe any kind of soft resistance or yielding. Whether you’re writing about overripe bananas you accidentally bought from the supermarket or the squishy bodies of some alien life form, you’ll find a fun way to make use of this descriptive sensory prompt.
If you use this prompt, restack this post and tag me in it so I can read your work! I love seeing what our readers come up with.
(You might even get sponsored in next week’s newsletter!)
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That’s all I’ve got for now. Until next time… keep writing!
- Josh
“The stars glistened brighter than any diamond could!” That ending is perfect in so many ways. Yes, they are shining up there, but it’s the hope of freedom that makes them glisten so much! And who else would compare them to diamonds but a thief. Clever!
I love this whole story! From the title and stomach-turning opening paragraphs to the end, it seems much larger than 100 words would allow.